You and/or your insurance plan will need to pay for the costs of medical care you get as part of the study, just as you would if you were getting the usual care for your breast cancer. This includes:
- the cost of tests, exams, procedures, and drugs that you get during the study to monitor your safety, and prevent and treat side effects.
- The cost of the ovarian suppression and hormonal therapy drugs, and chemotherapy if you receive chemotherapy.
- the cost of getting the ovarian suppression or chemotherapy ready and giving it to you.
- your insurance co-pays and deductibles.
Talk to your insurance provider and make sure that you understand what your insurance pays for and what it doesn’t pay for if you take part in this clinical trial. Also, find out if you need approval from your plan before you can take part in the study.
Ask your doctor or nurse for help finding the right person to talk to if you are unsure which costs will be billed to you or your insurance provider.
You and/or your insurance provider will not have to pay for exams, tests, and procedures done for research purposes only or that are covered by the study. These include:
- The research blood samples drawn for the study.
- The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score testing if you only have a MammaPrint Low Risk or MP1 result.Genomic Health will cover the cost of the test for patients with a MammaPrint result that do not have an Oncotype DX Recurrence Score.
Taking part in this study may mean that you need to make more visits to the clinic or hospital than if you were getting the usual approach to treat your cancer. You may:
- Have more travel costs.
- Need to take more time off work.
- Have other additional personal costs.
You will not be paid for taking part in this study. The research may lead to new tests, drugs, or other products for sale.If it does, you will not get any payment.