Education, Training, and Tools


NRG Oncology now offers educational materials and training courses on CLASS for members. These learning modules are available on a voluntary, self-enrollment basis. Please view the CLASS Access Guide for more instructions on accessing NRG content. 

What is CLASS?

The Compliance, Learning, and SOP Solutions (CLASS) platform is the learning management system supported by the Clinical Trials Support Unit (CTSU), which is a service of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Everyone with an active CTEP-IAM/ account can access CLASS. Access to NRG-specific modules may be limited by roster membership, roles, or site registration. 

Visit our learning modules page to get a complete listing of available and upcoming courses.

An Overview of NRG
Target Audience: All NRG members

The history and formation of NRG, its organizational structure, key leadership, and legacy groups. The learning objectives of this module include the following: 

  • NRG’s place in national cancer research and the NCTN
  • How NRG Oncology was formed
  • The organizational structure of NRG 
  • How NRG is funded
  • The day-to-day work being done by NRG staff and its membership

Don’t have a CTEP-IAM/ account? Click here to view “An Overview of NRG”


VTOC Webinar Training Series 

Upcoming VisionTree Trainings:

Wednesday, April 9th
Training sessions will be held during the normal time slot - 11:00AM PST/ 2:00PM EST.

Additional Training and FAQs for Research Associates:
VTOC FAQs for research associates


For RT & Imaging Credentialing, contact: 

Other Resources

If you are looking for clinical trial resources such as the NRG Ancillary Projects and Data Sharing Application, Biospecimens & Access instructions, Data Management resources, QA resources, RT & Imaging credentialing information, please visit the Clinical Trials Resources or Statistics and Data Management page.

The NRG Oncology Podcast

Follow the NRG Oncology Podcast for more information delves into a variety of topics impacting the oncology community via interviews with various stakeholders throughout the NRG Oncology organization. More information & where to listen

Help and Support

For additional support, please contact


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NRG Oncology Foundation, Inc, is a nonprofit, tax-exempt foundation. Donations to NRG Oncology help us conduct this important mission, and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.