October 17 2023
Does your site have NRG-CC005 activated? Are you looking for more support from NRG for FORTE?
NRG offers a one-time site network start-up award of $5,000 to enhance recruitment. Sites will need to document their plans for building their FORTE referral network and their commitment to the FORTE trial. These funds are intended to assist in establishing a clinical referral population and to institute workflows to facilitate recruitment and enrollment. Funding is contingent upon review by the NRG FORTE leadership team. If you have an interest in applying for these funds, please complete and submit the Site Network Establishment Application Form which is found on the CTSU Website under the funding documents tab of NRG-CC005 to forte@nrgoncology.org. Site Network Application forms need to be submitted by the main member institution (Main Member, LAPS, NCORP) on behalf of the entire network. Contact forte@nrgoncology.org with questions about site eligibility for start-up funding.
What has FORTE accomplished in a year?
Thanks to the efforts of the study team and research professionals across the country, FORTE has accomplished a great amount in terms of site activation and accrual within the past year.
At the end of September 2022, FORTE had accrued just shy of 200 participants across 8 clinical research sites. Only 16 NCORP networks had NRG-CC005 activated, with 7 having accrued participants to FORTE.
As of October 1, FORTE has accrued over 940 participants and has established a monthly enrollment rate of 70 or more. 24 NCORP networks have activated NRG-CC005. Over 30 sites have randomized participants, with 24 new sites having randomized a participant in 2023, and 11 new sites accruing their first participant this past summer.
FORTE has only been able to accomplish such growth in site activation and accruals thanks to the efforts of the investigators, research professionals, and partners at each and every site.

FORTE also now has a mascot! Sites can use our mascot to promote this important colorectal cancer prevention clinical trial on patient-directed materials, social media, and more. Find it on CTSU under “Logo and Mascot (version 06/01/23)” from June 23, 2023.
Accrual Updates and Milestones (as of October 3, 2023)
Top accruing sites:
- Kaiser Permanente – Vallejo – 552 accrued
- UPMC-Presbyterian Hospital – 151 accrued
- Park Nicollet Clinic - Saint Louis Park – 60 accrued
Most recent randomizations:
- Essentia Health Cancer Center – October 2, 2023
- UPMC-Presbyterian Hospital – October 3, 2023
- Regions Hospital – October 3, 2023
Questions from Site Research Staff
If research staff have questions about a patient's eligibility or study logistics for the NRG-CC005/FORTE Study, contact the Clinical Coordinating Department (CCD) at: FORTE@nrgoncology.org or 1-800)-477-7227.