A Message from the NRG Oncology Research Strategy Committee Chairs: 2022: The Year in Review

January 18 2023

We are happy to report that the Protocol Development Department coordinated the activation of 11 studies in 2022: 8 through CTEP, 1 through DCP and 2 jointly developed with the Alliance Group (See table). The exciting news is that we have another 10 NCI approved concepts along with 3 NCI ComboMATCH studies that are in protocol development with activations anticipated in 2023/2024. There were also 13 other concepts that were approved for future development during our Research Strategy Meetings held this past year. We are thankful to have a robust and diverse clinical trial portfolio and are excited about the new trial concepts we continue to receive from our dedicated committees and investigators.

On behalf of NRG Oncology’s Research Strategy Committee’s leadership, we want to thank our committee leaders and members, our study chairs, and our amazing staff for all their hard work and resulting success this past year. We look forward to an even better 2023!

Ronald D. Alvarez, MD

Jame Abraham, MD 


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