March 05 2025
Application Deadline: April 7, 2025
The NRG Oncology Head and Neck Cancer Committee represents one of NRG Oncology’s seven Disease Site Committees. The Disease Site Committees and five Non-Disease Specific Scientific Committees develop, conduct, monitor, and report results of clinical trials and translational science projects aimed at improving outcomes (survival and quality of life) for cancer patients. The seven Scientific Core Committees assist in protocol development, provide special expertise relevant broadly to NRG Oncology’s scientific agenda irrespective of tumor type, and provide quality control of clinical trials and translational science projects. The NRG Oncology Head and Neck Surgery (HNS) Working Group is led by the Surgical Vice Chair of the Head and Neck Cancer Committee. The HNS Working Group provides the main point of engagement of the head and neck surgery community through open meetings at the semiannual in-person NRG meeting and through virtual meetings (typically held off-cycle semiannually). The HNS Working Group also provides a venue for longer multidisciplinary discussions of early concept ideas and formal developing protocols, often prior to discussions in Head and Neck Cancer Core and General Committees.
The principal responsibilities of the surgical Vice Chair of the Head and Neck Cancer Committee include:
- Provide assistance to the Head and Neck Cancer Committee Chair as needed and in particular as a link to the head and neck surgery community. This includes engaging the surgical community to understand potential for accrual to, the surgical component of, and the need for surgical quality monitoring and credentialing for proposed concepts or developing trials.
- Provide and seek surgical input, advice, and expertise to the Chair and to investigators developing, conducting, and leading clinical trials within NRG Oncology.
- Lead the HNS Working Group, including developing agendas for the semiannual in-person meetings and the virtual off-cycle meetings as well as any needed ad hoc meetings.
- Build and maintain surgeon involvement. Maintain up-to-date roster of all participating NRG members and non-members.
- Assist in selection of membership of Core and General Committees, with particular attention to maintaining an engaged and diverse surgical membership.
- Provide a framework for collaborative participation designed to support the development and/or conduct of timely, feasible, and innovative clinical trials.
- Monitor the developing, active, and yet-to-be published studies or committee activities. Prioritize surgical quality monitoring and surgical credentialing as indicated for specific ongoing and developing trials.
- Support inclusive and engaged Core and General Committees and Working Group, supportive of broad input, cross-committee communications, operational processes, and timely engagement of liaisons.
- Support the mentoring and training of young and/or new investigators who are interested in working with NRG Oncology.
- Serve as an advocate for NRG Oncology in all affairs.
- Engage across NRG Oncology; liaise with other committee chairs, participate in NRG Oncology meetings, and keep NRG Oncology Group Chairs informed of trends, changes, or concerns of note.
- Collaborate with NRG Oncology leadership and members to write and edit scientific grants to support NRG Oncology research activities, including the NRG Oncology core grant.
- Support the conduct of activities that are compliant with regulations, NRG Policies and Procedures, and practices that ensure potential conflicts are disclosed and managed.
NRG Oncology Committee Vice Chairs must be at an NRG Oncology Member Institution and eligible to receive federal funding. Nominal funds from federal grants to offset related effort and travel to NRG Oncology meetings is provided. Committee Vice Chairs are appointed by the NRG Oncology Group Chairs for a six-year term, renewable once.
Applicants for the position should forward a signed and dated cover letter (on institutional letterhead) addressing specific interests and qualifications for the role as well as your NIH biosketch to addition, candidates are required to have either completed the NRG Oncology Member Information Form or have formally elected to opt-out. Information about the form is posted on the NRG Oncology website at The deadline for the application submission is April 7, 2025. If you have questions about the position, forward those to the same email and we will have an appropriate party get back to you.