March 23 2020
NRG Oncology Community;
As we all continue to adjust and readjust amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we also bear witness to the incredible resilience and dedication across our community. We are privileged to see how our Member Sites are finding ways to remain committed to clinical research and its promise of improving patient outcomes, while adjusting to intense pressures as the medical community seeks to both minimize the spread of the virus and continue to provide care in these extraordinary times.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the epicenter of NRG Oncology Operations, has shut down all non-essential businesses with a physical presence. All of our SDMC and Operations Center staff have shifted to work remotely, and remain here to serve you. Our main phone line and published phone numbers will be answered, and email continues as always; forgive us a bump or two in the road as surely those will come. You can always contact us through
Two of the physical locations for our NRG biospeciman banks have shut down – NRG Biospecimen Bank – San Francisco and the NRG Serum Bank at the Baylor College of Medicine, and we are processing changes and updates as quickly as possible. (The NRG Biospecimen Bank - San Francisco has since REOPENED, but the Serum Bank at the Baylor College of Medicine remains closed). At this time, we are asking that any non-real time specimens be held at your facility. See more guidance on this here.
We are advocating on behalf of our sites at every opportunity. A key opportunity relates to protocol deviations due to COVID-19, such as the use of telemedicine or phone follow up or delays in care. We understand additional guidance is forthcoming; access the latest here.
NRG Oncology has pulled together a webpage to collate COVID-19 information for patients as well as for our researchers and research staff at our sites. If we’ve missed something you need to know, or you have a suggestion – reach out to us and let us know. We are updating the webpage real time, check back often. Of course, protocol specific information will be disseminated as always and posted on the CTSU.
In the meantime, we encourage you to check-in regularly and more importantly – continue to follow the local and national guidelines to stay healthy and well for yourself – and us all.