This Scientific Core Committee of NRG Oncology is responsible for the planning and implementing of the Protocol Support Committee (PSC) research strategy and its integration with the mission and priorities of NRG Oncology. The primary functions of the PSC Core Committee are to oversee support and quality control of protocol-related activities, education and training of NRG Oncology members on relevant topics, and mentorship.
The PSC Core Committee is an advisory/working committee of Clinical Research Associates (CRA) and Clinical Trial Nurses (CTN), that help facilitate the goals of the PSC and provide leadership for PSC General Membership Subcommittees to support quality control of protocol-related activities, education and training of NRG Oncology members on relevant topics, communication and mentorship. The committee meets virtually every month and twice a year in person at the NRG Oncology meetings.  Membership term limits per NRG Oncology policy.
The PSC Core Committee members serve as chairs and vice chairs for the 6 PSC subcommittees to complete its goals and objectives: education and training, mentorship, protocol review, quality control and communication, clinical trial nurse (CTN) and clinical research associate (CRA).
The PSC also has NRG Oncology Disease/Modality Committee clinical trial nurse (CTN) and clinical research associate (CRA) liaisons appointed for representation.