Cancer Prevention and Control Committee

The NRG NCORP Cancer Prevention and Control (CPC) Committee prioritizes interventional studies designed to improve the symptom burden from cancer and its treatment, or to prevent cancer or morbidity from cancer and its treatment.

Research priorities and focus areas include: improving neurocognition; reducing gender-specific symptoms (lymphedema, sexual dysfunction, etc.); behavioral interventions to mitigate symptoms or cancer risk; therapeutic delivery modifications and/or agents to improve symptoms, quality of life, and cost-effectiveness; and, prevention through optimal screening, risk reduction, or chemoprevention. 

The goal of the NRG NCORP CPC Committee is to generate high impact research that prevents and finds cancers early and improves the health of cancer survivors. We accomplish this through interdisciplinary team science and strong collaboration with NRG’s Health Disparity and Disease-Site Committees. As such, our committee membership is intentionally diverse (discipline; research focus; MD, PhD, RN, APP, patient advocates; academic and community; all career levels) with an important focus in mentoring the next generation of CPC clinician scientists. Committee members have the opportunity to serve as liaisons to the Disease-site Committees, review new concepts and to become co-investigators on developing trials. 

This committee meets monthly.

Cancer Prevention and Control Committee Leadership


Lisa Kachnic, MD


Julie Bauman, MD, MD

Vice Chair

Tracey Crane, PhD

Vice Chair

Stephanie V. Blank, MD

Committee Members

  • Jinbing Bai
  • Hanna Bandos
  • Deb Barton
  • Julie Baumann
  • Jennifer Bea
  • Beth Beadle
  • Stephanie Blank
  • Jeanne Carter
  • Reena Cecchini
  • Dana Chase
  • Tracy Crane
  • Jennifer Dorth
  • Danielle Enserro
  • Britt Erickson
  • Carolyn Fang
  • Vinai Gondi
  • Ragisha Gopalakrishnan 
  • Elizabeth Hile
  • Warner Huh
  • Lisa Kachnic
  • Jordan Kharofa
  • Yelena E. Kier
  • Rachel Kupets
  • Lindsay Kuroki
  • Olivia Lara
  • Simon Lo
  • Deborah C. Marshall
  • Kathryn A. Mills
  • Julie Nangia
  • Joshua Palmer
  • Frank Penedo
  • Kathryn Pennington
  • Laurel Pracht
  • Stephanie Pugh
  • Kristin Redmond
  • Kari L. Ring
  • Lindsay Romak
  • Diane Rose
  • Aasma Shaukat
  • Nicole Simone
  • Shivani Sud
  • Mylin Torres
  • C. Jillian Tsai
  • Christina M. Wilson
  • Kathleen Yost


    Study Title Status Phase Disease Category Disease Site
    NRG-CC011NRG-CC011: Cognitive Training For Cancer Related Cognitive Impairment in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Multi-Center Randomized Double-Blinded Controlled Trial

    Open to AccrualOtherSymptom Management [CC]Other
    NRG-CC005Five or Ten Year Colonoscopy for 1-2 Non-Advanced Adenomatous PolypsOpen to AccrualIIIPrevention [CC]Colorectal
    NRG-CC009Phase III Trial of Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) versus Hippocampal-Avoidant Whole Brain Radiotherapy (HA-WBRT) for 10 or Fewer Brain Metastases from Small Cell Lung CancerOpen to AccrualIIISymptom Management [CC]Other
    NRG-CC008A Non-Randomized Prospective Clinical Trial Comparing the Non-Inferiority of Salpingectomy to Salpingo-Oophorectomy to Reduce the Risk of Ovarian Cancer Among BRCA1 Carriers [SOROCk]Open to AccrualOtherPrevention [CC]Ovarian
    NRG-CC004Phase II Double Blind Dose Finding Trial of Bupropion Versus Placebo For Sexual Desire in Women With Breast or Gynecologic CancerTerminatedIISymptom Management [CC]Other
    NRG-CC003A Randomized Phase II/III Trial of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation with or without Hippocampal Avoidance for Small Cell Lung CancerClosed to AccrualII/IIISymptom Management [CC]Other
    RTOG-0631Phase II/III Study of Image-Guided Radiosurgery/SBRT for Localized Spine MetastasisTerminatedII/IIISymptom Management [CC]Other
    NRG-CC001A Randomized Phase III Trial of Memantine and Whole-Brain Radiotherapy With or Without Hippocampal Avoidance in Patients With Brain MetastasesTerminatedIIISymptom Management [CC]Other

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