The NRG Oncology Head and Neck Cancer Committee’s purpose is to improve the lives of head and neck cancer patients by designing and conducting practice-changing multi-institutional clinical trials and translational research. The Committee supervises numerous Working Groups which act to identify novel scientific advances that are incorporated into our trials, support conduct and completion of our clinical trials and other research activities, and promote further learning and dissemination from our research findings.
This Committee addresses four main types of research: 1. Technological advances in surgery and radiation therapy treatments 2. Biomarkers and biologically driven interventions or treatment approaches 3. Novel types of systemic therapy including targeted therapy and immunotherapy 4. Interventions for special populations including older adults, and chemotherapy-ineligible patients.
The Committee’s goal is to create a future where head and neck cancer patients each have the opportunity for cancer cure and restoration to health and quality of life. We can do this best through developing national and international shared goals and initiatives for the management of head and neck cancers, learning together with our patients from evidence-based standard-setting clinical trials, fostering advancement and development of new therapeutics and translational and biomarker research, educating patients and providers on evolving technologies and treatment approaches, and mentoring the next generation of investigators.
The Committee meets monthly, including twice per year in person, but the Committee’s numerous Working Groups meet more frequently.