Part of our mission is to build a sustainable, long-term research enterprise to continue to progress cancer research. Inherent in this objective is to foster the development of the next generation of investigators and to allow them opportunities to build as clinical investigators. For this purpose, the ECM Subcommittee launched the Early Career Investigator Mentored Fellowship Program in 2023. The program provides a formal, mentored fellowship under the Early Career Investigator Liaisons with the aim of supporting fellows in initiating projects within NRG, building skills as investigators, and develop an understanding of clinical trial design process at NRG. The program description can be found in the resources section below.
The call for committee membership will occur annually, each Spring.
ECM Subcommittee Members (NRG early career investigators) meet at each NRG semiannual meeting. ECM Leadership and New Investigator Liaisons meet on the first Friday of each month.
Early Career Mentored Fellowship Program
Committee Resources for Early Career & New Investigators
2023 ECNI Mentored Fellowship Program Awardees
2024 ECNI Mentored Fellowship Program Awardees
We are a leading protocol organizations within the National Clinical Trials Network and we seek to improve the lives of cancer patients by conducting practice-changing, multi-institutional clinical and translational research. Learn More
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