A Randomized Phase II/III Trial of De-Intensified Radiation Therapy for Patients with Early-Stage, p16-Positive, Non-Smoking Associated Oropharyngeal Cancer
Principal Investigator
Sue Yom, MD PhD
Closed to Accrual & Treatment
Date Opened To Accrual
July 10 2019
Date Closed to Accrual
October 04 2024
Disease Site
Head and Neck [HN]
Head and Neck
Developmental Therapeutics
Primary Objective
Phase II:
To demonstrate non-inferiority in terms of progression-free survival (PFS) of concurrent reduced-dose radiation therapy (RT) with cisplatin or concurrent reduced-dose radiation therapy with nivolumab to the current standard of care (standard-dose RT with cisplatin).
Phase III:
To demonstrate co-primary endpoints of non-inferiority of PFS and superiority of quality of life (QOL) as measured by the MDADI of concurrent reduced-dose radiation with cisplatin or concurrent reduced-dose radiation with nivolumab to the current standard of care (standard-dose RT with cisplatin).
Patient Population
Pathologically (histologically or cytologically) proven diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma (including the histological variants papillary squamous cell carcinoma and basaloid squamous cell carcinoma but not neuroendocrine phenotype) of the oropharynx (tonsil, base of tongue, soft palate, or oropharyngeal walls); patients must have positive immunohistochemical tissue staining for p16.
Target Accrual
Patient Study Webpage
There is no available patient study webpage available for this trial at this time.