Patient Reported Outcomes
PROs can be completed as usual even when the patient is unable to come into the clinic for a visit. PROs can be completed over the phone or can be mailed to the patients with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.If the patient has access to a printer/scanner or is able to edit PDFs to provide their responses, the PROs can also be emailed to the patient. For studies with ePRO or VisionTree, patients who, at study entry, chose to complete on paper can switch to VisionTree or ePRO.They can always switch back to paper if desired. Information on ePRO and VisionTree FAQs are located on CTSU. Please do not hesitate to contact your study’s data manager.
The table in the link below provides a list of studies with VisionTree, ePRO, scantron completion methods.
Neurocognitive Testing
The table in the link below contains information on how neurocognitive testing will be handled, which varies by study.Please check your study and email the study’s data manager with any questions.
For study-specific instructions regarding PRO completion and/or neurocognitive testing, please see this table.