Data Management Resources


Data Management Contact List

The Data Management Contact List provides contact names and information for Data Management personnel on all studies.

Lost to Follow-up

A patient will be deemed lost to follow-up if the site has been unable to get ANY vital statistics information related to the patient for 2 continuous years. Attempts to locate the patient are expected to continue during this 2-year period.

  • Lost to Follow-Up Guidance Document
    See: NRG Oncology Lost to Follow-up Guidance Document for instructions and contact information regarding patients that are considered lost to follow-up.
  • Never Say Lost
    Booklet for minimizing number of patients who become lost to follow-up. Click here for booklet. 

Consent Withdrawal

The Consent Withdrawal process should be followed when the participant no longer wishes for his or her records to be included in the research project. He or she no only refuses contact with the research team, but also does not want his or her health care providers contacted for information.

  • Use of Consent Withdrawal Process
    The "Consent Withdrawal Process" should be followed when study participants no longer wish to have their records included in the research project. For more information see: Consent Withdrawal Process

Adverse Events
  • Routine AE Reporting Guidance Document
    See: Routine AE Reporting Guidelines for information regarding routine adverse event reporting in NRG Oncology clinical trials.

Site Request for Early IRB Closure

CTSU's Request for LPO Approval of Early Closure Form is now available on the CTSU website under Resources > CTSU Operations Information > CTSU Forms. See additional NRG Instructions.

Medidata Rave Resources
  • Medidata Rave FAQs - Updated April 15, 2018
    See: Medidata Rave FAQs on how to obtain a user account and use Rave. 

Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs)


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