Comparing Two Dose Levels of Bupropion Versus Placebo for Sexual Desire

Currently Unavailable for Patients

About This Study

This study closed to patient enrollment on April 24, 2020.

This study addressed the common side effect of decreased sexual health in women who have been treated for breast or gynecologic cancer. The study tested whether bupropion, a medication that is approved for depression and smoking cessation, can improve sexual desire compared to placebo. 

Read the Study Results Summary from this Trial


About NRG Oncology

At NRG Oncology, we focus on conducting clinical studies aimed to improve current cancer care practices and the lives of cancer patients. NRG Oncology partners with more than 1,300 member sites world-wide to research ways to improve treatment standards in the cancer community. Our organization is supported primarily through grants from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and is one of five research groups in the NCI's National Clinical Trial's Network.